Hort ecològic escolar/Activitats a l'hort en anglès

Presentem una secció per a treballar diferents aspectes entorn a la temàtica de l'hort i en llengua anglesa.

The school garden: Plants


Children can learn new skills, have fun, play and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden tending plants and growing their own food. Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil, getting dirty, creating things and watching plants grow.

Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria

  • To recognise plants as living things.
  • To understand what plants need to grow and how they obtain food.
  • To distinguish between the main parts of a plant and explain their functions.
  • To identify the roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants.
  • To know the classification of plants as trees, bushes and grasses.
  • To learn to respect plants.

Subject Content

  • Parts of a plant.
  • Flowers, fruits and seeds related to the growth of a plant.
  • Main functions of roots, stems and leaves.
  • Types of plants: trees, bushes and grasses.
  • The life cycle of a plant.
  • Products obtained from plants

Language Content / Communication



Nouns plants, flower, bush, tree, grass, stem, leaves, roots, water, soil, sun, and air

waterering can, trowel, bag of seeds, gardening fork, gardening gloves, gardening boots, planting pots. Days of the week, months, seasons.

Verbs to sow, to weed, to grow, to need, to live, to obtain, to classify, to respect, to identify, to dig, to water, to plant, to harvest, to pick up.
Adjectives tall, beautiful, bright, colourful, fast-growing, large, rare, aromatic.

all colours (green, red, yellow, orange, brown,…) weather adjectives (sunny, rainy, windy…)

Prepositions to, into, in/inside, round/around, at, near, under, between, behind



What are plants?

Do you know the name of any plant?

Have you ever been in a garden or park?

Do you like plants?


Present Simple

Past Simple

Simple Future


Classroom management

Good morning everyone, how are you today?

Listen to me, please

Pay attention, please!

Stand up / sit down

That’s correct / right.

Your answer is very good / almost right.

Let’s go to the garden!

That’s all for today.

It’s (almost) time to finish

Discourse type


Plants are…

Plants need…to grow up

There are different types of plants…


What are plants?

What do plants need to grow up?

What are the different types of plants?

Language skills


Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

Contextual element (cultural)


Gardening is educational and develops new skills including:

Responsibility from caring for plants
Understanding as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water, weeds compete with plants)
Self-confidence from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown up
Love of nature a chance to learn about the outdoor environment in a safe and pleasant place
Reasoning and discovery learning about the science of plants, animals, weather, the environment, nutrition and simple construction
Physical activity doing something fun and productive
Cooperation including shared play activity and teamwork
Creativity finding new and exciting ways to grow food, build a scarecrow, write and draw in the garden journal or notebook, thousands of funny crafts related to garden.
Nutrition learning about where fresh food comes from.

Cognitive processes (thinking)


Comprehend, analyse, explain, connect the ideas with the topic and vocabulary. Children like large, brightly coloured flowers and vegetables that grow quickly.

Senses Plants that have sensory and textural qualities can help to introduce the five senses:
Touch woolly lamb’s ear, succulents (such as aloe vera), bottlebrush species, snapdragons
Taste basil, strawberries, peas, rosemary, carrots, cherry tomatoes
Smell jasmine, sweet peas, lavender, pelargoniums, native mint bush, lemon balm
Sight (colours) daffodils, rainbow chard, marigolds, pansies, sunflowers
Hearing (sound) corn, bamboo and grasses rustle against each other when the wind blows.



There is a variety of interesting activities children can be involved in :

Children of Vila-romà school in Palamós planting a tree at the Festival of the Tree


  • Digging
  • Watering the garden
  • Picking up flowers
  • Planting vegetables, fruits and flowers in the correct season
  • Feeding the worms and using the ‘worm tea’ from the worm farm as fertiliser
  • Picking up vegetables and fruits when they are ready to eat
  • Preparing healthy food, such as making salads and preparing school lunches
  • Craft activities using harvested seeds, plants and flowers
  • Composting, recycling and mulching
  • Weeding
  • Gathering seeds and dried flowers
  • Deadheading flowers
  • Preparing the soil with organic fertiliser
  • Replanting and re-potting.



(links in Resources)

  • To make a minibook about Plants (parts and needs) or a lapbook related to the process of the vegetable garden.
  • Learn a song about the necessities of a plant to grow
  • Tales
  • Bingos, crosswords, quizzes,
  • Memories
  • Crafts
  • Design a garden planner
  • Create a planting guide calendar for each season
  • To write and illustrate a garden journal or a little garden notebook (Provide time to write, draw, record, and paste up after each garden time).



Make two head plants

Materials Instructions
• good soil

• old nylon stockings

• grass seeds

• rubber bands

• permanent markers

• buttons

• pots

• water-proof glue

1. First we take a thin sock and we put grass or millet seeds inside, at the tip.

2. Then just fill the sock with good soil and make a knot. Turn the sock because the knot remains down.

3. To represent the nose and ears, pinch small portions of soil and tie with small rubber bands.

4. Now we can glue the eyes using some buttons and paint a friendly smile with permanent markers.

5. We put our doll on a tray or pot and remember to water it every day.

6. If everything goes well, very soon will grow long green hair.

Why make two head plants? Because we will keep one plant in a light location and we will place the other in a drawer or into another dark spot. We will water each as needed.

After some weeks we will observe how the plant in the dark location has not grown up green.


Children will like this experiment a lot, and they will learn a lot too. I promise!


Children can also take part naming them, measuring their hair or cutting the hair too.




Resources and Materials


1. Life cycle of a pumkin minibook SmartPrintables, Carol Brooke.(nd).Vegetable printables. Consultat el 17 de desembre de 2016, des de http://carolbrookebooks.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/lifecycleofapumpkinminibook_smartprintables_carolbrooke.pdf

2. Songs: Tian and friends.(2016, 26 d’abril). What do plants need to grow?. Consultat el 17 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nGrDl5_zrc

Harry Kindergarten Music.(2014, 19 de maig). The needs of plant. Consultat el 17 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUBIQ1fTRzI

Martie Rynolds.(2012, 28 d’octubre).The garden song. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vu8zSCMQkYç

Kids learning tube.(2015, 21 de març).The vegetable song. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds6tUxatnTs

The kid’s picture show.(2014, 12 de gener). The vegetable song. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bxZylSiJ78&list=RD0bxZylSiJ78#t=17

Mother Gossi Club.(2014, 19 d’abril).The plantin song. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a44NFSiIn54

3. Tales:

The story of wiggly Woo:

Steele Ford.(2015, 15 d’abril). The story of wiggly Woo. [Vídeo]. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT7fwW2AKSw

The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk:

Kiddostories.(2015,26 de febrer). The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk. [Vídeo]. Consultat el 16 de febrer de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VCpAYajmvo

The very hungry carterpillar:

Illuminated films.(2016,25 d’agost). The very hungry carterpillar. [Vídeo]. Consultat el 16 de desembre de 2016, des de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY

4. Vocabulary: bingo, flashcards, quiz, crossword, read and match, picture dictionary

Anglomaniacy.(nd). Consultat el 4 de desembre de 2016, des de http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/vegetablesDictionary.htm

5. Memory of the garden tools:

Nourish interactive.(sd). Consultat 26 novembre 2016, des de http://www.nourishinteractive.com/nutrition-education-printables/category/30-vegetable-food-group-myplate-healthy-foods-kids-fun-pages

6. Garden markers: Vegetables names on a small rocks. Cutesycrafts.(nd).Consultat el 4 de gener de 2017, des de http://cutesycrafts.com/2013/04/vinyl-garden-markers.html

7. Designing your vegetable garden planner: Vegetable gardening online.(nd). Consultat el 29 de desembre de 2016, des de http://vegetableplanner.vegetable-gardening-online.com/

8. Create a planting guide calendar for each season and month: Burpee.(nd). Consultat el 4 de gener de 2017, des de https://www.burpee.com/growingcalendar

9. Garden notebooks or journals Pinterest.(nd). Consultat el 27 de desembre de 2016, des de https://es.pinterest.com/pin/312226186652410332/

Pinterest.(nd). Consultat el 27 de desembre de 2016, des de https://es.pinterest.com/pin/312226186651574219/

10. Board games:

- Hortus Mini Kit: Sembra kids Sembra kids.(nd). Consultat el 7 de gener de 2017, des de http://www.kidits.lv/kids/s_accessories-203_sembra

- Kleiner garten: Meine ersten spiele de HABA. Haba.(nd). Consultat el 8 de gener de 2017, des de https://www.haba.de/en_DE/toys/my-very-first-games-little-garden/p/300956 |-



There will be big group, pairs and individual assessment. It will take sessions around 40-45 minutes, during all school year.

Key Competences


Linguistic, Science, Digital, Interaction with the Environment, Learn to Learn, Social and Civic.

Evaluation (criteria and instruments)


The Evaluation will be based on the activities planned, by the observation of the class and the questions asked to the children, their activities in big group and individual.


  • (en anglès) Nourish interactive.(sd) [Consulta: 26 novembre 2016].
  • (en anglès) Growing minds, farm to school.(nd) [Consulta: 22 novembre 2016].
  • (en anglès) Better health channel. (nd) [Consulta: 3 de desembre 2016].
  • (en anglès) Food and fun after school.(nd) [Consulta: 3 de desembre de 2016].
  • (en anglès) Vegetable gardening online.(nd) [Consulta: 29 de desembre de 2016].
  • (en anglès) Grow to learn.(nd) [Consulta: 30 de desembre de 2016].